CAVH News Posted by College of Engineering

College of Engineering posted news about projects in our group, which include the CARLA Simulation Project, Snow Project, and Heavy Rain Project. Please read the article for more details. Through rain, snow and road construction, …

Meeting the “Badger”

On April the 1st, 6 members of our CAVH group along with two staff members: Dr. Steven Parker and Steve Rau of the UW Madison Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory, went on a trip …

Say Hello to CAVH group

After weeks of development, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our team’s new website on January 19, 2022.  Who are we? We are a research group in the Department of Civil and Environmental …

CAVH@TRBAM-2022 Report

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 101st annual meeting was held in person begin Sunday, January 9 through Thursday, January 13, in Washington, D. C. convention center. Seven members of our CAVH group have attended the …

[Schedule] TRBAM-2022 Presentation and Poster

Here’re the general information for presentation and poster sessions of our group: January 10, Mon [Poster Presentation] B682 – Stochastic Calibration of Automated Vehicle Car-Following Control: An Approximate Bayesian Computation Approach – TRBAM-22-01658 Ghazaleh Jafarsalehi …

Congratulations! Ph.Ds

Congratulations to four of our group members, Xiaotian Li, Shuoxuan Dong, Tianyi Chen, and Chun-wei Lin, who graduated and became  Ph.D. this winter! Earning a Ph.D. degree is a big stepping stone towards a brighter …